Opalene™ acts like a magnetic sponge, attracting air molecules
that carry odors or other impurities. Physical contact
with the odor causing material is not necessary and neither is air
circulation, but both are beneficial to the process.
How fast does it work?
When physical contact is made with the odor causing material
the results are near instantaneous. For areas or items that have
been permeated with an odor causing agent, it may take several hours
to get the situation under control and totally eliminate the
offensive odors. Larger areas and more chronic problems may take
longer, but the result will be the same - the odor will be
Deodoroc™ odor control products are reusable!
The solid forms of Deodoroc™ products (Perky Puck and Deodorizer
Blocks) can be used over and over again, indefinitely!!
Once they have been saturated with odors, they can easily be
recharged. Simply place them in a fresh air location - outside and
away from the weather works best - and they will be reactivated. A 3
months period of use and 3 months in the fresh air is ideal.
Hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers have been
using these products since 1985.